Become a member

Become a member

If you are considering joining this congregation it is good to get a taste of the heart and understand the vision that underlies it. We can do this on paper but how much better to hear it from the mouth of the founder of Embassy himself.

Dick Westerhof started God's Embassy Amsterdam with his wife Arleen. He tells in 8 videos about the DNA God has given to this congregation. They are encouraging stories that show time and again how God's hand has been on this home.

Videos 2 through 5 explain the 4 distinguishing characteristics. These characteristics have been guiding and directional from the start of the congregation.

If you are considering becoming a member, watch these 8 videos and then fill out the response form.

The beginning of the Church

This video discusses the origins of the congregation and some of the crucial events that led in the start-up phase of Embassy.

The prominent role of the Holy Spirit

This video explains the first of Embassy's 4 distinguishing characteristics. That is the leading role of the Holy Spirit.

The fivefold ministry

The third video explains the second of Embassy's 4 distinguishing characteristics. That is the place the fivefold ministry occupies with the leading role of the apostle/prophet combination.

The message of God's Kingdom

This fourth video explains the third of Embassy's 4 distinguishing characteristics. That is the message of the Kingdom of God. This message goes beyond being a congregation together and challenges us to make His Kingdom visible outside the walls of the church.

The importance of character

The fifth video explains the last of Embassy's 4 distinguishing characteristics. That is the paramount importance of character. It is essential that we remain in process of personal growth to function in our destiny.

The organization and her fruits

In this video, you will hear the story of the ministries that grew out of Embassy. It is like a tree where all kinds of branches sprout from the trunk.

The Apostolic Center 'By Design'

In this video you will hear how Embassy is connected to other ministries and networks. You will also hear how it is a part of the apostolic center By Design.

Our connection with you

The last video talks about the ministries that exist within Embassy. In addition, there is an outline of how you might be involved in this congregation.

Become a member of God's Embassy

The last video talked about a number of opportunities to be involved with Embassy.
If you want, please fill out the form below. After filling it out we will contact you as soon as possible to have an (online) conversation with you. This conversation is intended as an introduction and intake. We do not have a standard program for new members, but we will try to find the best fit for you.

Do you have a question?
Please contact us
