Training Day
Training Day
Retrieved from Saturday, February 8 the first Embassy training day will be held.
In Ephesians 4 verse 12, Paul writes that the 5-fold ministry is given to equip the saints.
That's what we're going to do on this Saturday.
In addition to training, this day is an ideal opportunity to get to know each other (better).
9:30 Walk-in with tea and coffee
10:00 Worship
10:20 Introduction for the day - joint
10:45 Break for coffee and tea
11:10 Session 1 with choice of 5 workshops
12:40 Joint lunch. Offered by Embassy.
13:30 Session 2 with choice of 5 workshops
15:00 Break for coffee and tea
15:30 Session 3 with choice of 5 workshops
17:00 End
you can register. You will receive a confirmation email with your 3 choices.
Workshops - Session 1
Introduction Life Changing Prayer
By Franciska Uyland and Bertine MartensThis workshop offers you the opportunity to become acquainted with a powerful "tool"
For receiving inner healing .
- What does Life Changing Prayer entail ?
⁃ Experience in an exercise how Jesus speaks to you in this area.
- We show how it works in an upfront ministry session.
Family finance (in English)
By Greg RobsonIn this workshop you will understand the relationship between spiritual and financial capital, and find a recap of biblical financial principles that lead to freedom and contentment.
Then we'll briefly cover the topics that help you manage money through the various stages of life: record-keeping, budgeting, debt, investment, insurance, pension.
Finally a list of useful resources to help you and your family with faith-based finances.
Teach yourself to read the Bible from the root text
By Omar SolingerThe purpose of this workshop is to provide you with tools in how you yourself can seek the original meaning of certain key words or favorite passages in order to enrich your walk with the Lord.
Practice in pairs to figure out the original texts together via free apps on your phone. Suitable for both beginners and advanced students.
Power of relationships
By Samany BruynderLearn the importance of relationships in this workshop. Brief teaching from the Bible and then work creatively in the group to figure out the power of relationships. Are you hurt in relationships or know people who are learn how to make connections.
Come to discover how essential relationships are to walking in our destiny.
Restoring family.
By Jo-Ann Pouwelse-LiefdenThis workshop is an introduction to the training that will be held in May. During the workshop, we will talk about what communication means, how we get caught in a vicious cycle of impaired communication and how to break patterns (of impaired communication).
Communication is part of the Divine Recovery in Families course.
Workshops - Session 2
Evangelism tools
By Jacques KoekEvangelizing can be learned and you can become more effective at it.
During the Workshop we will outline the gifts and talents you possess and can use as tools to evangelize. We will also give you tools on how to overcome people's fears, among other things.
Not every disciple of Jesus is an evangelist but we are all called to bring the Good News.
Raising Godly Children (In English)
By Cherlene RobsonThis workshop is designed to equip you with practical, Bible-based strategies to nurture your child's faith, build their character, and create a Christ-centered home amidst today's social and digital pressures. Discover how to navigate the challenges posed by social media and conflicting agendas that undermine traditional family values.
Engage in thought-provoking discussions, gain wisdom through a Q&A session, and connect with a supportive community of parents committed to raising godly children.
Prophetic aspects in worship
By Jacco & Nympha DijsThis workshop is for anyone who wants to grow in personal praise and worship of our God and especially the prophetic aspect of this. You can apply this in your personal time with God in daily life without the facilities of a worship team as in the church.
We are going to discover that prophetic praise and worship is not only for a select few, but for everyone who wants to worship God in Spirit and Truth.
Receive practical tools that will strengthen and deepen your personal worship to God.
By Gerda Keizer and Joanna DijsA fun workshop for those who are creative or curious about prophetic painting. We will go into some theory and personal experiences. And most of all, we're going to have fun with paint. And have a lot of fun.
You will be amazed at what comes out of your hands.
Do bring an apron there may be smearing.
Identity, Sonship and Destiny
By Pamela AbendanonThis workshop aims to develop concrete tools and a plan to take the next step towards your destiny. In this workshop we will discuss the inextricability of the three components Identity, Sonship and Destiny and their influence on your leadership.
How do you deal with opposition? How do you overcome opposition and what tools can help you stand in your victory will be among the topics covered.
Workshops - Session 3
By Astrid Zichterman and Angelica Kroon.God has given us art as expression, and dance is certainly part of that.
With couples dance, the roles are clearly divided into leadership and discipleship. Both are subservient to each other. Discover your qualities and see how biblical principles take shape.
Learn the basics of salsa and dance with great joy as the Lord intended!
(PS: ladies, bring shoes with smooth soles due to spinning)
Counseling & Inner healing
By Bastiaan Bor & ChristelIn today's broken world, help seekers come into counseling with a wide variety of problems. In this workshop we will discuss some of them and explain that counseling & innerhealing is a process of soul wholeness in multiple and deeper layers.
We talk more about the role of counselor, empathy, loving work, as well as authority, character and identity and the Holy Spirit's guidance in this process. We explain why pure teamwork is so important.
There will be time for information, Q&A and activation.
Revelation through meditation of the Word
By Geert BodeWe learn truth about God, about ourselves and about our faith in the Bible, but God wants to go deeper than just that. He wants so much to reveal Himself to us so that we will come to know Him personally!
In this workshop you will receive teaching on how people in Bible times and church history dealt with meditating on God's Word. Will be interspersed with practice assignments. Bring your Bible physically with you.
By Bertine MartensSoaking - what is it and why should you do it?
In this workshop we will do 3 things.
1. The Word of God - We look at what the Bible says about soaking.
2. Sharing - We share experiences with each other and
3. Experience - go experience it during this workshop and we look at what God has for you specifically in this time.
Bring your journal for this workshop!
Impacting Generations
By Gimena BlindelingGod is calling us as His children to stand up, take our place and make an impact beyond our own generation.
God is raising an army of impact-makers, but He cannot pour new wine into an old wine bag. Therefore, He wants to break down barriers (old patterns and structures), restore foundations and bring (further) transformation so that the new wine can begin to flow.
Then we can be those impact-makers, those catalysts, channeling transformation into our sphere(s) of influence.
Registration Training Day
You should choose 1 workshop for each session. When you have chosen for all 3 sessions you can register. You will receive a confirmation email with your 3 choices.
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